machine integration &
Link every soul
Soullink Mission
Man machine integration &
Link every soul
Soullink Mission
Company Profile Xiamen Yuanxin Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. is a hardware+software+data AI company that utilizes multi-dimensional chip sensors and core algorithms to achieve
human-computer interaction, virtual and real interoperability, and data applications based on biological features of the head, eyes, face, body, brain, and other parts.
The goal and mission of Yuanxin is to continuously break through the boundaries of human potential by connecting the body and soul through new software,
hardware, and AI interaction systems.
Company Profile Xiamen Yuanxin Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. is a hardware+
software+data AI company that utilizes multi-dimensional chip
sensors and core algorithms to achieve human-computer
interaction, virtual and real interoperability, and data applications
based on biological features of the head, eyes, face, body, brain,
and other parts.
The goal and mission of Yuanxin is to continuously break
through the boundaries of human potential by connecting the
body and soul through new software, hardware, and AI
interaction systems.
Based on the biological features of the head, eyes, face, brain, and other parts Implement human-computer interaction, data collection and analysis applications Software and hardware for intelligent wearable and interactive applications+AI data companies
Implementation based on biometric features of
head, eyes, face, brain, and other parts
Human machine interaction, data collection
Analysis and application
Software and hardware for intelligent wearable
and interactive applications+AI data company
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